Home is where your heart is

For the first time I left my hometown for such a long time. The 1 year I spent in Berlin trying a different lifestyle and job. And it feels amazing to be back now :) For a small 10 days vacation but for me it's like the best present I could have before heading to a new country and new challenges.  My past 2 days I was at home and I am afraid to change the 'home' name yet. I dream that one day I could come back forever and make it better and I am sure it will be. Despite to all the negative political and social things that are happening here at the moment. It's still the best place I've been.



Moldavian born, living in Amsterdam, visual artist with a background in international economics and social work. In my practice, I tend to confront myself with political and future-related topics. I’m genuinely interested to work in the administrative office of a cultural organisation in order to support arts & culture.